Quick Tips

When you open Windows Explorer in Windows 7, it opens the Libraries folder by default. You can change the default startup folder using the Windows Explorer shortcut properties.

To access the shortcut properties, hold the SHIFT key down, right-click on the shortcut and choose Properties.

To change the startup folder to (My) Computer, use this target path:

explorer.exe ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

For Documents folder, use this target path:

explorer.exe ::{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}


Tips, Tricks & Tutorials

WINDOWS 7 (and other software).
GRCC students currently enrolled in a Computer Applications (CO) course are eligible to participate in the DreamSpark program. The program allows students to obtain discounted and free Microsoft software, including WIndows 7.If you wish to participate in the program, follow the steps below:

  1. Send a request to your instructor providing the information below and then click the
    Get my software button:

    Student Name:

    GRCC Email (FirstNameLastName@email.grcc.edu)

    Class and section number
    (i.e. CO105-2866)

  2. Next, check your GRCC email account for order information, including password.
    (Use the Password Reminder for forgotten passwords).

  3. After you receive order information in your email box, see Tim Koet's well written instructions for downloading and preparing an installation CD (if you did not purchase a disc).

Please note:

If you are downloading the free Windows 7 Professional operating systems software, you will need to know which version to download: 32-bit (x86) or 64 bit. To find out the version of your current operating system, check Microsoft's Support. If your current version is 32-bit (x86), you will want to obtain the 32-bit Windows 7. If your current version is 64-bit, you will want to obtain the 64-bit Windows 7.

The entire Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, etc.) is not available through the MSDNAA program, but you can still obtain the suite at a deep discount.

NEW! Windows 8!