Quick Tip

Let Adboe know what you think. Use their Feature Request / Bug Form to provide your input.

Tips, Tricks & Tutorials


Examples of students' work in the CO148 HTML Essentials class:

CSS page layouts consist of DIV containers formatted with styles. My tutorial will walk you through, step-by-step, writing the markup language and using Dreamweaver CS5 to get you started creating a web site from scratch.

See what's new in HTML5 and CSS3!

Tips for the Web designer

PHP Server Side Script
So you created a form using Dreamweaver or from scratch in NotePad. The form looks good, but now you need a script that processes the form. Here's a simplified one that does all the work for you. It collects user's input and sends to your email box. This PHP script will work on GRCC's Raider server. See an example of the working form on the raider server.

Most people view Web pages at around 1024 x 768, therefore the dimensions of a high resolution image on a web page is much too large. File size is also an issue, especially for those with slower internet connections. A possible solution would be to reduce the size of the image considerably, but then all the detail is lost. Instead, keep the best of both: small file size and high detail by using Zoomify.