Quick Tip
Photoshop blending modes determine how the p
ixels in a layer are blended with underlying pixels on other layers. With 25 different modes, how can you know the results of using each without clicking the drop-down menu numerous times? To easily experiment and cycle through the modes on your layer, click the blend modes in the top-left of your layer palette to activate, and then use the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard to quickly see the results of each mode!
Tips, Tricks & Tutorials
PHP Server Side Script
So you created a form using Dreamweaver or from scratch in NotePad. The form looks good, but now you need a script that processes the form. Here's a simplified one that does all the work for you. It collects user's input and sends to your email box. This PHP script will work on GRCC's Raider server. See an example of the working form on the raider server. Requires three steps:
- Download this PHP script, copy and paste the the code into NotePad or Code view in Dreamweaver (the script is a pdf file, but you can still easily copy and paste). Edit the areas highlighted yellow for your email address and the desired From address to appear for the email. Save the form with the name mail.php. Script must have a php extension (not rtf or txt or html). Upload the file to the server.
- Next, add a couple of hidden fields and edit the Input values of the form you created. See example. Text highlighted yellow is what you need to revise. Save the html form with any file name you wish. Save and upload to the same location as the mail.php file.
- Finally, create a thank you page that will appear after the web site visitor completes your form. You may create a page that looks similar to the other pages of your site and add some words to the effect: "Thank you for providing your feedback." Name the file thankyou.html and upload to the server in the same location as the mail.php and your form files. To be sure your Thank You page appears after the user submits the form, add the following bold text. It is inserted below the form id line.
<form id="feedback" name="feedback" method="post" action="mail.php">
<input type="hidden" name="redir" value="thankyou.html" />
The mail.php, form, and thankyou.html files must all be located in the same location on the server. If files are not in same location, the form will not process correctly. To keep things simple, keep all 3 files together.