Discovering Computers

Chapter 1: Introducing a World of Technology

Windows back up utility

Page 18 discusses backing up your computers and mobile devices. For detailed steps on how to back up your information, along with additional tips, read more.

Bloatware; how to decrapify your new PC

Manufacturers install bloatware on new PCs to try and sell software to you. Bloatware is software that you can use for free for a limited time, but than you must pay for it. Bloatware takes up your computer's storage, can increase the time to boot up your PC, wastes RAM and can clutter your system tray, desktop, menus and more.

  • Remove bloatware manually, one program at a time, in your computer's Control Panel.
  • Free tool to help remove unwanted programs from your new PC (recommended by PC World)

Who invented the Internet?

Page 18 discusses the Internet. Who invented the Internet? A group of people?

Search engines

Will employers ask for your Facebook password in 2014?

Page 22 discusses the ethics and issues related to social networking. Read this news article about the states that now ban employers from asking for your Facebook password in 2014.

Viruses and other malware

Page 23 discusses viruses and other malware. We will learn much more about this topic in chapters 3 and 4. Below is information that may be of interest to you now:


An introduction to applications is on page 26. Applications, or apps, can help you to complete tasks and be more productive. Below are links to discounted software for students, along with free apps. Learn more about free and discounted software.

The digital divide

The digital divide, as discussed on page 34, is the gap between those with and without access to technology. To help close this divide, New York and Chicago now let you check out WiFi hotspots like you would books. The devices that are checked out connect to a cellular network and provides access for WiFi enabled devices. Very cool! Learn more from MIT and The Verge below: